I’m one of those girls who can never have enough. Never have enough of money, of flawless skin, of perfect hair, of second glances as I walk by. Unfortunately for me, I’m broke, my skin’s more corpse grey than luminescent, my hair just sits on my head and, unless it’s a builder, I hardly ever get a first glance let alone a second one. Jokes aside, how often have you been watching Gossip Girl and lusting after that mane of hair that looks the picture of health, or have been flicking through Elle puzzling yourself over how to get that radiant skin tone without airbrushing? A million times? Me too- (I actually lose sleep over this stuff). So just before you think I’m some sort of wannabe Cheryl Cole lookalike- I want to share a secret with you. Femibion is a new range of vitamins just for women- the range is extensive to say the least so whatever you’re coping with, be it stress, pregnancy or it’s just that jolly time of the month again, Femibion has something for you. Wanting it all and getting next to none of it, I reached for the pack I thought could help me at my time of need: Radiance. So, being a little sceptical, I kept a diary which documented general skin, hair and nail appearance to test if Femibion’s Radiance actually worked.
Day 1: Skin: Dull, lifeless and tired looking. More of a beigey pale colour. Bags and dark circles around the eyes much akin to a heroin addict rather than the goddess I want to become.
Hair: Much the same really- slightly limp (think Avril Lavine circa 2001). Over straightened, over heated, over my face to try to cover it up, although I don’t know which is worse.
Nails: As an avid biter they aren’t looking great right now. They’re weak and a bit brittle- God I sound like Gollum don’t I.
Day 5: Skin: Surprisingly brighter! Not quite the flourishing glow I’m after but there is certainly a change. My blemishes seem to be fading too which is an absolute miracle! Still some dark circles but I’m guessing that’s due to too many late night viewings of Secret Diary of a Call Girl.
Hair: Noticeably bouncier and livelier- I swear it might just be me but I think the colour looks better too – either way I’m feeling pretty positive!
Nails: I can tell they’re getting stronger just by looking at them. No longer do I have uneven ridges and peeling layers but a smooth, slightly shiny surface.
Day 12: Skin: Okay, so if you are as cynical as I was then you might not believe me, but frankly I don’t care as I guess seeing is believing...what do I see now? The dewy, healthy, even luminescent skin I’ve always dreamed of. It’s (almost) flawless in tone without a blemish or pore in sight- smug is beyond how I’m feeling!
Hair: My hair is distinctly stronger and looks less damaged. It doesn’t break half as easily anymore and is as glossy as it is luscious! It’s grown too which is incredible for my mid-length locks!
Nails: Strong, hard, neat and polished- need I say more?! I’ve even stopped biting them they look that good now.
I may not look like Cheryl, Angelina or Scarlett but now I don’t even need makeup let alone airbrushing to rival them! Inner beauty really does shine through- so put down your expensive foundations and highlighters, because beautifying from the inside out means you’ll always get a second glance.